вторник, 4 августа 2020 г.


Graphics worked better with that running, though. Last edited by rotem; at It was activated, so I deactivated it thinking it was interfering with the better drivers. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. November 1st, 2.
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AMD Provides Legacy Driver for Old ATI Cards

It was activated, 1204 I deactivated it thinking it was interfering with the better drivers. Installing Radeon X on Ubuntu I see a log file for it, but no XORG. GPU lockups after upgrading to 7. When I hit the "y" key it proceeds to blow away lots of stuff so I know it worked a little. Are you new to LinuxQuestions. I was trying to play COGS.

You can try running that to remove fglrx.

I really appreciate the help Temujin! DisplayPort on Radeon HD not working for x display. To follow up this info, we now have the first info and code for the OpenGl Acceleration.

Adam This is the error: Hopefully someone'll have good news for me. This generally solves the problem. I'd just like to use this card. I removed it using Code:. R segfault at startx.


All times are GMT This is not an exhaustive list. Power management not working on HDD.

Window is always black until resized. November 1st, 1. In this case, you can install the Trusty Hardware Enablement Stackwhich brings new versions of Linux kernel and Radeon driver. The buffer is not large enough. Possible bug in driver - machine "frozen" while panning.

X6000 "radeon" lacks important 2d accelleration on r [ Laptop won't wake from suspend.

X not starting with ATI Caicos. January 31st, 6.

Pixel noise on the screen. All I see is 9XXX group. Join Date Jul Beans 1.

AMD Provides Legacy Driver for Old ATI Cards » Linux Magazine

If no then Ati moved it to the legacy driver, which is said to be incompatible with the system in the thread i linked to In this case the driver wont work. I installed catalyst again from 12.4 Ubuntu software center, but I can't find the driver for my card there.

I learned some interesting things along the way, but they're also very confusing to me. Join Date Jan Beans

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Originally posted by Kickin' Chicken:. Unlike them, I did get the latest drivers, but I still have problems with running any games. Disc...