вторник, 4 августа 2020 г.


These figures were roughly 10 percent lower than those published on the ATI Web site. Using the included MAXimum v1. Each color component RGBA has bit support so it can display images at color depths beyond Publications CGW Volume: At first glance, the most obvious physical feature of the FireGL Xt is a copper fan that dominates the design.
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I tested it on a machine running Windows XP, and installation was easy. One nice thing about the card is that it supports bit-per-pixel color, which means that you can display more than Developed by ATI, the FGL chips are custom-made with four geometry engines and eight separate pipelines for pixel processing.

Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. Entire site Article Author Event News. Because I did not do any optimizations on my system, my results should be considered typical for most users. Offering users a great bang firelg their buck, the FireGL Xt would be an excellent addition to any 3D workstation.

All exclusively from Cadalyst!

Of course, benchmarks are a rather synthetic way to test a card. I used the card for several days on a 3ds max project I was developing, and had no problems afi either OpenGL or DirectX mode. By clicking the "Subcribe" button, you agree to sign up for the CGW Magazine e-newsletter, as well as to receive third-party promotions from our partners.

The card supports resolutions of X per display. The Windows drivers provide a robust control panel that enables you to tweak just x2-25t6 every parameter of the card. In her easy-to-follow, friendly style, long-time Cadalyst contributing editor Lynn Allen guides you through a new feature or time-saving trick in every episode of her popular AutoCAD Video Tips. The results from our Cadalyst Labs benchmark suite place it in the midrange as far as performance is concerned.

For people working in motion pictures or with other high-resolution images, this feature should be incredibly helpful. It's still not quite large enough to drive the ultra high-end, 9-megapixel displays, but that's still a small market segment.

On the back of the card is a Molex connector to get extra power from the system's power supply. The FireGL line of cards has gone through several incarnations and different chipsets.

ATi FireGL Xt Video Card - Reviews, Specifications, and Pictures -

The back of the card is equipped with two DVI connectors, which can be flregl with analog monitors through the supplied adaptor. The FireGL graphics card line has long been a standard fixture in workstation-level computer systems. The C total index score for the FireGL t was Because its back end extends only about three inches past the AGP slot, it should fit into almost any case.

I really enjoyed the FireGL X2 card, and found it to be very stable.

ATI Radeon 9800 XT vs ATI FireGL X2-256T

The tests generally ran smoothly, though I did note some visual artifacts on-screen during the text array aggp of the Cadalyst Labs C benchmark. Follow Lynn on Twitter. Each color component RGBA has bit support so it can firegll images at color depths beyond These figures were roughly 10 percent lower than those published on the ATI Web site. Included with the software are drivers for Discreet's 3ds max, providing an extra performance boost.

The FireGL X2 series of cards is the newest in the line and is incredibly fast. The FireGL Xt supports hardware acceleration of the following. Dual-display mode is configured with the use of the control panel.

FireGL X2-256t

Hydravision also provides control over such features as window transparency. Even so, the board is relatively compact.

The cards are also reasonably priced, setting a new standard for price and performance in the high-end workstation market. I benchmarked the card using View-perf 7, the standard test for OpenGL-based cards. A massive heatsink with plastic ducting dominates the center of the giregl.

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Originally posted by Kickin' Chicken:. Unlike them, I did get the latest drivers, but I still have problems with running any games. Disc...